The Alternative UK Manifestos. 7: Marina Cantacuzino of the Forgiveness Project

Here's the seventh of our Alternative UK Manifestos for #GE2017 - from Marina Cantacuzino of The Forgiveness Project.

In their own words, "The Forgiveness Project is an award-winning, secular organisation that collects and shares real stories of forgiveness to build understanding, encourage reflection and enable people to reconcile with the pain and move forward from the trauma in their own lives." Their work is extraordinary and daring - see their "forgiveness stories". 

Marina asks us to observe the playfulness in some of these Manifesto commitments... and we have, with the video above, using Marina's imagery. But there are some refreshing policies here. 

If you’d like to contribute some time to generating Alternative politics, please sign up here. If you’d like to contribute some funds to make sure it happens click here.


Marina Cantacuzino - My Alternative Manifesto. 

++ Victim-led Restorative Justice to be made available throughout the country and at any point of the criminal justice process.

++A mandatory requirement for women to make up 50% of the cabinet

++The banning of all diesel cars from the cities– the government must offer compensation to all diesel car owners, and no one (accept under very special circumstances) will be allowed more than one car.

++ The establishment of a Centre for Empathy in International Affairs, to reduce conflict and strengthen responses to human suffering

++The abolition - in a gradual way - of all faith schools

++Along the Dutch model, students to be given free accommodation in modern, centrally located care homes which would also require both groups to entertain each other on a weekly basis. Also, there should be evenings were the elderly are interviewed by the students with a ‘This Is Your Life' or 'Desert Island Discs' format.

++A new alternative Honours System where recognition is given to a new definition of philanthropy. Candidates would not be identified by their wealth but rather by the proportion of their income they give away, or the pro bono contribution they make to society.