Forgiveness Is Really Strange - new graphic cartoon book and February event

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We've profiled Marina Cantacuzino's Forgiveness Project a few times on the D.A - and we're delighted to let you know about a new book and its promotional event later in February. 

Forgiveness Is Really Strange, written by Marina and Masi Noor and illustrated by Sophie Standing, is a comic-strip examination of (as the blurb says) "the complexity of forgiveness and what it can mean to different people and its potential for positive change. It explores the key aspects of forgiveness and the impact it can have on the mind and psyche." (It's part of a series of illustrated books looking at the "strangeness" of pain, trauma and anxiety).

The launch event is on Wed 21 February 2018, 18:30 – 20:30 (tickets available at Eventbrite). One of the endorsees is the peace activist Scilla Elworthy - but see the graphic for more:

“Just open the first page of ‘Forgiveness is Really Strange’. You will be drawn instantly into all the knotty issues of this vital subject, in a totally magnetic way. How? Because a psychologist from Keele University and the person who pioneered the Forgiveness Project got together with a brilliant graphic artist, so there are very few words. What you get is an unsentimental, evidence-based approach to a subject that can otherwise seem wishy-washy at times. Very complex and challenging ideas are conveyed through amazing life examples and simple, powerful illustrations. Give it to everyone you know, and the world will be happier place."