If humans can't even agree on what they value, how can we have truly ethical AI's?

Great podcast from the Future of Life institute. Blurb below:

What does it mean to create beneficial artificial intelligence? How can we expect to align AIs with human values if humans can’t even agree on what we value? Building safe and beneficial AI involves tricky technical research problems, but it also requires input from philosophers, ethicists, and psychologists on these fundamental questions. How can we ensure the most effective collaboration?

Meia Chita-Tegmark and Lucas Perry talk about the value alignment problem: the challenge of aligning the goals and actions of AI systems with the goals and intentions of humans. 

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • how AGI (artificial general intelligence) can inform human values,
  • the role of psychology in value alignment,
  • how the value alignment problem includes ethics, technical safety research, and international coordination,
  • and the possibility of creating suffering risks (s-risks).

There's so much activity in this area. See the ten commandments of ethical AI (given by a clergyman). Or this from Android Authority on the complexities of ethics and AI. Wikipedia's coverage of the issue is comprehensive. 

And see this typically authoritative blog entry from Bookforum's Omnivore blog, at the end of last year: 

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The rise of AI is sparking an international arms race: Sean Illing interviews Peter W. Singer, author of Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century. China’s AI awakening: The West shouldn’t fear China’s artificial-intelligence revolution — it should copy it. AI power will lead to world domination, says Vladimir Putin (and more). Maureen Dowd on Elon Musk’s billion-dollar crusade to stop the A.I. apocalypse. The real danger to civilization isn’t AI — it’s runaway capitalism.

Ryan Calo (Washington): Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Primer and Roadmap. Oren Etzioni on how to regulate artificial intelligence.