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The Alternative UK is partnering sessions at this year's FutureFest event - tickets available now

We're very proud to announce that A/UK is taking part in this year's FutureFest event, the "Glastonbury of the Future" that runs every 18 months by the UK's leading innovation foundation/charity, Nesta. (Disclosure: Pat Kane, the co-initiator of The Alternative UK with Indra Adnan, was the founding curator of FutureFest, and is Lead Curator of this year's event).

The provisional schedule of FutureFest is here (with, we understand, more big surprises to come).

A/UK are on board because the festival's theme this year - Occupy the Future, in the search for better alternatives - is very congenial to our agenda of superpowering localities and communities, with all the human, cultural and technological resources we can provide.

Details of our sessions - both on Saturday 7th July, and chaired by Indra Adnan - are at the end of this post.

Is politics broken? 

July 7th, 2018, 10:30 - 11:30, Debate Stage

Chair: Indra Adnan
Jamie Bartlett
Peter Macfadyen
Sophie Walker

In partnership with The Alternative UK

* * *

Not by bread alone: emotions and politics

July 7th, 2018, 15:00 - 16:00, Debate Stage

Chair: Indra Adnan
Yvonne Roberts
Jonathan Rowson

In partnership with The Alternative UK

Tickets for this day (and both days) available here.