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Did you come to our Plymouth & South Devon "Friendly" We'd love to hear from you...

Did you come to our Plymouth and South Devon "Friendly" on June 12th, Devonport Guildhall (see quick pix above)? We'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

We thought it went really well - blown away by the talent and commitment in the room, packing out what was effectively a full house. A powerful and passionate network was started here, we are sure of it. 

So let's connect... You can mail us here,  or comment on our Alternative UK Facebook page, or even on this blog (comments are open, below). Happy to receive all pics, blogs, further suggestions. We'll be posting material and performances from the event over the next week or so. And a full report will be coming soon.

We are already planning our next two stages for Plymouth & South Devon - called "Inquiry" and "Action". If you want to sign-up to be involved, you can become one of our co-creators.

Here are the people, groups and networks from the area who helped us with the Friendly (in random order). Our huge thanks to: 

(if we've mistakenly missed you out, please let us know).