#OptimistApril: Futerra's hashtag campaign gets you hopeful for climate change

Futerra is one of the longer players in the game of green brands and sustainable comms - doing interesting work for big companies and activist groups. In their words, they are a "change agency... We join the magic of creative and the logic of strategy to make sustainability happen".

The embed to the left (scroll down the app for more) is an example of hashtag advocacy - #OptimistApril - that embodies one of Futerra's abiding interests; the power of optimism and innovation, as the best response to the often numbing facts around climate change and global warming. 

You can check in (or add to) their hashtag list, as the app updates above. But here's a few links to pick out of their already fascinating list:

+++ The Nature Conservancy's 12 emerging and hopeful environmental trends, according to their philosophy of "Conservancy by Design". "We’re at the front end of a new ‘nature-tech’ revolution and nature stands to win big from it."- @bcmcpeek

+++ Stanford scientists have modelled how the world can get to 100% renewable energy by 2050, relying on wind, wave and solar, without any intermittency or blackouts

+++ A 5p levy on UK plastic bags has resulted in a 30% reduction on bags found in the sea-bed

+++ "A report found that recovering gold, copper, and other metals from electronic waste isn’t just sustainable, it’s actually 13 times cheaper than extracting metals from mines."

...And much more. If you want a taste of how Futerra sell the eco-future, see their co-founder Ed Gillespie earlier this year (below is the Twitter embed, but a better picture at video here)