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Open: 2019 brings together activists and coders - to explore how to collaborate at a big scale

We’ve been involved with Oliver Sylvester-Bradley’s Open: Coop events since the beginning of A/UK (see our coverage here). Oliver’s convening a powerful network of technologists, cooperativists and experts in participation, to see whether we can invent new organisations and structures that can get urgent stuff done, for climate, economy and society.

This year’s Open: 2019 is a more distributed and online affair (rather than the full, in-real-life event of 2018). Embedded above is a recording of a Zoom discussion (which our co-initiator Indra Adnan took part in a few days ago) which addresses - with some excellent peers - the enduring challenge of “collaborating at scale”. According to the blurb;

This first even of OPEN 2019 covers the ideas behind The DNA of Collaboration and Harmonious Working Patterns to explore ideas which might help all the people, communities and organisations working on creating a new, decentralised, regenerative economy collaborate better to produce more impact.

Here’s the cast list:

There’s a very strong set of links and references around collaboration in the comments below the videos, which we collate here: