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Come & Zoom with Open:Coop's finance radical, Oliver Sylvester-Bradley, in the latest of our "The Elephant Meets…" series

We’re really happy that our next speaker in our “The Elephant Meets…” series, aimed at showcasing those who are building the next system to come, is with Oliver Sylvester Bradley (already a great friend of A/UK over the years - see this archive), on Tuesday, August 18th, 17.00-18.30 (sign up here).

Oliver has been working at the nexus of the new economy (particuarly new finance), cooperatives, and digital platforms for some years now - actively convening and practically making the elements of a “new” or “next” economy.

He is most known for two projects. First, the Open: Co-op conferences, which (undaunted by Covid) have been extraordinary meeting-places for those who imagine that a different economic and business practice is possible, using alternative measures of value, and staying in touch with cooperative traditions (see our archive, and watch the videos from the Open: 2020 conference).

And secondly, Oliver is a co-founder of the Open Credit Network - which is a digitally-powered version of mutual credit schemes. These schemes don’t require interest charges - and thus provide the small businesses that participate with micro-loans that don’t burgeon into unsustainable debts. Oliver and his partners call this “people-powered money” - and invite you to join!

Come and chat through the grass-roots future of economics with Oliver Sylvester-Bradley on Tuesday, August 18th, 17.00-18.30 (Free admission). Sign up here, or click on the embedded ticket box below:

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And here’s a video from December 2019, in preparation for our first “The Elephant Meets…” event, where Oliver talks about his problems with our current system, and his aspirations for the next one: