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We’re on the train, we occupied it unequally, now it’s stopped, and we find it was headed for the precipice… Covid stories that stimulate the moral imagination

The video above is a trigger to the “moral imagination”. It animates a Covid-based metaphor - that of a crowded, unequally occupied train that stops, lets people get off, see the fire around them - and note they’re heading for a precipice…

It’s been made by Phoebe Tickell, a vibrant young activist and strategist who has set up her organisation Moral Imaginations, which sets out its stall below:

We work with metaphors to guide collective sense making and exploration of hopes, fears, visions, possibilities and memories through world-building and shared exploration of collectively imagined worlds…

“We live in a state of impasse, a moment where existing social imaginaries and practices no longer produce the outcomes they once did, but no new imaginaries or practices have yet been created.” Lauren Berlant

We facilitate & develop collective imagining to empower people to create shared imaginings of the future.

We are working with schools, universities, local councils, organisations, purpose-driven networks, local communities, funders and policy-makers to introduce collective imagining practices to community imagining and collective decision-making.

More here.