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“36X36” brings a global generation of young wxmen economists together, to “develop the pillars for our economic future”

For the full interactive bio page on these economists, click here

One of our proclaimed tasks in A/UK is to “network the networks” - bring together those who have already come together around a mission or passion or new framework, and have them strengthen each other across their domains.

So we’re delighted to present a very ambitious new network - 36X36, a collection of fascinatingly curated young economics professionals (academics, entrepreneurs, economists). They have a roadmap to create a “visionary manifesto that will lay out what is needed to change our economic system”. 

The FAQ helps explain their intent:

There is a need to strengthen existing femxle leadership towards new economics and facilitate access of womxn to networks and institutions that influence future pathways.

Help particularly young femxle professionals to enter the stage, express and widen their expertise, and provide opportunities for them to connect with seasoned experts in the field.

Equip them with knowledge and competence on collaborative strategizing and leading transformative change collectively

Create the space for integrating the diverse expertise of new economic thinking and draft a joint approach to a new economic architecture inspired by femxle perspectives.

Encourage and ease the formation of a femxle-led mutually supportive network among femxle professionals that drives transformations.

By showcasing and promoting selected femxle protagonists of new economics, inspire many womxn to take up collective action and drive the necessary transformations.

More here. There’s a blog with some already stimulating posts on a crisis of values in Covid-era capitalism, on post-consumerism, and the network’s answers to a survey question, If you were an economy tsarista, what policy would you put in place?”

You may have notice the x in the womxn/femxle terminology above, they explain here:

In response to a global trend the term femxle/ womxn is used throughout this initiative to be inclusive and encompass all persons identifying as female/ woman. English is one of the languages in which wo-men are just something added to men. The x is symbolic, but an important change that adds to a new definition of what those identifying as such consider femxle identity.

Lastly 36X36 is a co-initiative of The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (strongly featured on A/UK) and the Schumacher Institute.