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Faced with with our crises, we need to “bounce beyond” them, not “back”. So nominate yourself to be a “CoNECT” - part of a flourishing next economy

From Bounce Beyond

One of A/UK core missions is to convene system-changers, or “network the networks”. We’ve done this in various ways, contributing and responding to calls from organisations like Extinction Rebellion, Local Trust, CtrlShift, RIO, LiFT and several others. It means hanging in there, being part of generative discussions, adding whatever we have to build vital commons of resources.

A big “network of networks” that our co-initiator Indra Adnan has helped to build in the last year or so is Bounce Beyond, an ambitious consortium comprised of:


…A global community of people on the urgent journey to next economies through transformative practice and collaborative action. We are co-creating a shift in our economic paradigm, with its current corrosive value and power structures, to one that supports the flourishing of all life.

Bounce Beyond have a plethora of tools and methods to shift this paradigm - familiar to those who know circular, doughnut, regenerative and wellbeing economics. They are being worked out on the ground through four concrete projects at the moment:

These projects are generically known within BB as CoNECTs - ‘collaborative next economy communities already moving towards transformation'. And Bounce Beyond would like you to nominate yourself to join with, and to become, one of these “CoNECTs”.

The nomination form is here, and here’s some of their context:

Bounce Beyond is an action and learning community of CoNECTs and people with deep transformations experience.

Core to Bounce Beyond is the development of an action and learning community including leading examples of these Next Economies initiatives. These include two different types of initiatives:

  1. Next Economies that are place-based (focused on a particular geographical area of activity e.g. towns, cities, political jurisdictions, watersheds, bioregions) with a broad engagement in economic transformation across sectors;

  2. Next Economies that are focused around particular issues/sectors (e.g. seafood, finance, tourism, education) with participants across a variety of places and digital platforms

In order to accelerate regenerative, life-centered economies, we are launching this Global Call for Self-Nominations for Next Economy Initiatives (CoNECTs). Respondents meeting CoNECT criteria will join a lively global community of action and learning.

As resources are available, some respondents will also have the opportunity to join an already operating group of four “core” CoNECTs that are receiving development support and benefits of collective action and sharing.

The self-nomination form to join the Bounce Beyond CoNECT community is available here, and shouldn’t take more than one hour to fill out. It can be submitted by any individual who is actively contributing to an initiative already operating as a CoNECT, or is making significant efforts towards becoming a Next Economy Initiative.

It is a good idea to coordinate efforts so that only one nomination per CoNECT is submitted. Please share this Global Call for Nominations with any people and organizations that may be interested.

The first round of nominations will close on June 15th, 2021, but this call will remain open during 2021 for ongoing consideration. Early responses are encouraged in order to get the clearest possible picture of CoNECTs around the world as soon as possible.

More here.

We’ve been working with Bounce Beyond for some time now, since well before the pandemic. So their message that any post-pandemic plan needs to be an opportunity for transformation of our socio-economic model, rather than just tinkering or (worse) the status quo ante, could not be more timely. A “bounce beyond”, rather than merely “back” or “forward”, indeed.