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Here's 3 scenarios for the future of arts and culture - Spectaculars and Small Stages, Global Network of Communities, Platforms and Multiverses

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We have worked with Scott Smith’s Changeist consultancy on future scenarios before, so it was great to pick up on this major report conducted among hundreds of global arts professionals, about their sense of the future for arts and culture.

We highly recommended a deep dive - here’s the full PDF - but we were most stimulated by the three scenarios for the future presented. They’re not mutually exclusive, in many ways overlapping, but certainly great tools to prepare the arts and culture sector for the shocks of climate, technology, finance and other factors. We present them as three graphic slideshows below:

There’s also a useful panel with a set of strategic questions at the end:

It’s fun to conjure with blends of these scenarios - indeed, all three could easily be seen as what we could call a cosmo-local cultural strategy for CANs (citizen action networks). How do we connect self-determining localities and their “small stages”, with other experiences of autonomy across global networks of exchange and support? And these networks amplified by the latest software services of “platform” and “multiverse”?