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Phase transitions to unclassifiable music, the riot of colour in a Zagreb market, and 100% Endurance! A/V to restart yourself

Welcome to our occasional dose of audio-visual transformation, brought to you by the pulsing creativity of the net.

Above is Chemical Somnia, explained below on Vimeo:

Chemical Somnia is a cross-continental collaboration between filmmaker Scott Portingale and composer Gorkem Sen. The film transports the viewer into chemical dimensions, exploring phase transition, fluid dynamics, and chemical reactions. Timelapse and high speed photography were used on a macro scale to capture these elemental relationships in less than a square inch area on a petri dish.

*Headphones are strongly recommended to fully appreciate the resonance of the music performed by Gorkem Sen, on an instrument he invented, the yaybahar. For a deeper look and listen feel free to visit Gorkem in his Cypress studio.

From Aeon:

English subtitles for this video are available by clicking the CC button at the bottom right of the video player.

Before store-bought produce reaches your table, it’s very likely gone on a long journey to get there. Many fruits and vegetables are washed in chlorine, stored for months, or coated in wax to ensure that they look ‘fresh’ while they sit on the grocery-store shelf. It may be hard for the average shopper to tell the difference between imported and local produce, but, to a farmers-market vendor, the difference is crystal clear.

In this colourful documentary from 2006, the Croatian filmmaker Ana Hušman captures a full day of selling at Dolac market in Zagreb, Croatia. Hušman grabs fragments of conversations between vendors and customers, layering them over timelapse footage. As they sell the importance of local food, we see their piles of produce stack up and pare down. The viewer is also invited into the kitchen and shown, through stop-motion animation, traditional methods of preserving pears, blackberries and garlic.

We always search through the years Music Video Awards for epiphanal material… Much of it it too violent for us this year. But this video by Yard Act - in the shortlist of Technical/Craft - gives us the glory and the beauty in the everyday that we need. 100% Endurance!