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“Alternative futures are being created around the world—but not, for the most part, in plain sight.” Bollier and Thackara in conversation

Two of our favourite thinkers in conversation - excitements! Here’s the great advocate of commoning David Bollier (DA archive) and the sustainability designer John Thackara (DA archive). The YouTube site has a lot of very helpful and explanatory text, with links to stages in the conversation, cited below:

Mutual aid. Local money. Collaborative care. Alternative futures are being created around the world -. but not, for the most part, in plain sight.

David Bollier’s new book - Commoner’s Catalog for Changemaking: Tools for the Transitions Ahead - brings dozens of social projects like these to the fore. Inspired by The Whole Earth Catalog of the early 1970s, Bollier’s premise is that “the next big thing will be a lot of small things” - (words he borrows from the Belgian designer Thomas Lommé).

Our conversation here ranges from the history of mutual aid and commoning, to our respect for a pluriverse of cultures that respect all of life, not just human life. See below for sources mentioned in the video.

00:00 - start

00:30 - From system critiques to real-world action

02:15 - The long pre-history of mutual aid

07:48 - Knowledge based on practice

11:56 - The Commons and commoning

13:15 - Reimagining value

20:55 - The Commoner’s Catalogue

29:42 - Ways of being - a pluriverse

30:43 - Animate Earth

36:14 - Microbes and social equity

38:48 - In this for the long haul

45:32 - How do mindsets change?

48:55 - The next big thing


David Bollier website (and his other books)

David Bollier podcasts

Reimagining Value : Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature Commons Strategies Group, David Graeber, Heinrich Böll Foundation (book/pdf, 2016)

The Commoner’s Catalogue for Changemaking, David Bollier (book/flipbook 2022) David Bollier has posted The Commoner’s Catalog online as a free “flipbook,” licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. You can read it, and find weblinks for buying it, at

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, Pëtr Kropotkin (book, 1902/1932) The Russian naturalist and anarchist philosopher Peter Kropotkin explores the role of mutually-beneficial cooperation and reciprocity (or "mutual aid") in the animal kingdom and human societies both past and present.

Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia, Stephan Harding (book, 2014)How Gaian science can help us to develop a sense of connectedness with the 'more-than-human' world - a careful integration of rational scientific analysis with our intuition, sensing and feeling.

Gaia Alchemy: The Reuniting of Science, Psyche, and Soul (book, 2022) A bold exploration of the reintegration of rationality and intuition, science and soul, to foster individual and planetary healing.

Debt: The First 5.000 Years, by David Graeber (book, 2014)

Enlivenment : Toward a Poetics for the Anthropocene, by Andreas Weber (book, 2019)

Microbes and Social Equity, Interview with Dr Susan Ishaq (video)

The Great Transformation, by Karl Polanyi (book, 1944)

Is GDP a doomsday machine? (blog post, 2009) "Beyond GDP” discussion at Forum d’Avignon Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary, ed. Ashish Kothari et al (book, 2019)

Systems of mutual assistance in Africa, Interview with Mugendi M’Rithaa (2011)

Interrupting the dominant narrative, Amador Fernández-Savater (blog post, 2013) https://guerrillatranslation.wordpres...