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If you want your place to practice doughnut economics, you can now apply "the four lenses" to any situation

From The Doughnut Unrolled - applying the four lenses slides

Doughnut economics keeps marching on as an education for towns, cities and countries - so they can live in a healthy zone between the basics of human wellbeing, and the biospheric/climatic limits of the planet.

Here’s their latest excellent educational tool - Doughnut Unrolled: Introducing the four lenses. The image at the top of the blog boils them down to four questions, set across a local-global axis, and a social-ecological axis.

  • Local-ecological: how can this place be as generous as the wildlife next door?

  • Global-ecological: how can this place respect the health of the whole planet?

  • Global-social: how can this place respect the well-being of all people?

  • Local-social: how can all the people of this place thrive?

They get there by an attractive move - “unrolling” the doughnut, to open up these lenses (see graphic below):

These lenses fit into Doughnut Unrolled: “a set of five tools that work together to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place:

  1. Introducing the four lenses - an introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut.

  2. Community Portrait of Place - a selection of participatory workshop approaches you can use to explore the four lenses for your place.

  3. Data Portrait of Place - a handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators for each of the four lenses for your place.

  4. Exploring a topic - a selection of approaches to explore a specific topic through the four lenses, whether a sector, strategy, policy, project, initiative, object or idea.

  5. Dimensions of the four lenses - an overview of each of the dimensions of the four lenses on life.

    Together they help you create a 'Doughnut Portrait' of your place - a holistic picture with diverse inputs and perspectives - that can act as a starting point for transformative action.

More here. We recommend diving in on the “Dimensions of the Four Lenses” presentation first - a rich and rigourous canvas, showing the kinds of realities, cultures and experiences that have to be factored into a successful doughnut model.