SHAPE THE SYSTEM  smalller.png

The new politics must serve a new socio-economic system, capable of transformation. What is “the new system that makes the old one obsolete”?

There is every evidence that it has been forming for decades. How do we name it and make it visible as a choice?

The Elephant is an ongoing inquiry into these questions.

The title refers to the parable of the blind men and the elephant – where each one feels only a piece of the whole and has to communicate and cooperate with the others to make the animal appear.

But it also refers to the elephant in the room – the thing we cannot talk about. But if we did, so much more would be possible together.

Join THE “SHAPE THE SYSTEM” GROUP AT THE A/UK Action Forum, on Loomio

ALREADY a co-creator? Sign in here

NOT YET a co-creator? Sign in here, and you’ll be invited to our Action Forum on Loomio.

We’re asking you:

How is your initiative, organisation or institution part of The Elephant?

Put yourself on the map. Submit a short Zoom interview answering the 3 questions: 

  • Who are you and what do you do?

  • What is your complaint about the current system?

  • How can you describe the new system arising?

NOTE: The first Elephant event took place in London, December 2019. We prepared participants by recording Zoom interviews with them, curated on this YouTube channel.

While we couldn’t land the elephant as an insititution, it came alive as a set of relationships with infinite possibilities. Relationalism allows connection in ways that capitalism has failed to. In that way, it defines the new system better than any institution can.