What was the BEST idea you saw this year on The Daily Alternative?

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What are the top three blogs you're read on the Daily Alternative this year? Mail us here to let us know, or comment below - and here's why we're asking:

As we come to the year's end, we thought it would be useful to look at how we have been working together with other initiatives, networks and organisations to help emerge a new politics that has some coherence.

That might be through shared values, or new ways of working through much broader participation - or even new ways of looking at the world that evoke a positive future we can all look forward to.  

We've been doing this in three ways: firstly through out Daily Alternative blog, secondly through contributing to other people's events and thirdly through our evolving political laboratories (all listed below).

But now, as we go into the seasonal holidays, we are inclined to look back a bit wide-eyed at what we've reported on. Not just how much there always is to choose from, but also how much these ideas impacted our thinking.

Stepping outside the political and media bubble has allowed us to be hopeful again and we hope it has helped you too. Over the holiday week, we are going to select our own top seven and reprise them for you.

But now it's your turn: what were YOUR TOP THREE blogs of last year? Which ones changed the way you look at things or just gave you some hope for the future?

Over the next week - deadline December 28th - we invite you to peruse our Daily Alternative and choose 3, identifying them by their date or headline and mail us at info@thealternative.org.uk or tweet @AlterUK21. And those results will be shared on the last day of 2017. (Our Category Cloud might help in focussing your interests). 

We look forward to hearing from you!

9 months of The Alternative UK


public events

Launch event in King’s Cross Impact Hub, London, March 1st 2017

Speaking at 38 Degrees Live, Eastbourne, March 22nd, 2017

Speaking at 38 Degrees Live, Brighton, March 28th 2017

Co-host of Campfire Convention, Brighton, May 5th, 2017

Co-host with Campfire and Flatpack Democracy, Frome, 25th May, 2017

Opening speech at Alternativet Organisers Conference, Denmark, 28th-29th May, 2017

Opening speech at Unusual Suspects Festival, London,14 June 2017

Co-host screening of “Demain” with SIX, London 19th July, 2017

2 presentations at “Agenda for the Future”, London Futures, London 2nd Sept, 2017

Newspeak House seminar with Dougald Hind, London, 4th September, 2017

Facilitating at Alter Ego, 8th September, 2017

Full host of 360° Democracy: The Politics of Immersive Technology (A/UK Event), Brighton, Sep 27th, 2017

Speaking at Campfire Convention, London, 4th November, 2017

Presentation on “Emotional Literacy and Politics”, Innocracy Conference, Berlin, 28th November, 2017



www.thealternative.org.uk - March 1st, 2017 full site

The Daily Alternative blog - over 260 blog posts (one every day), fully categorized 

Alternative Manifesto series - 14 Manifestos blog posts in the run-up to the UK General Election, 8th June, 2017

Established Facebook Page and Twitter account and YouTube channel. 

Feature in The National, 3rd March, 2017

Interview with Open Democracy, London, March 28th, 2017