Returning to the Elephant in the room... Cyborg-shaman Adah Parris reflects on how we get to the next, better system

What's wrong with our system and what can we do during the Coronavirus lock down to improve it? Join Adah Parris and other members of the public in reflecting on this - on Tue 21 April, 2020, 5.00pm - 6.30pm, on Zoom (book here, at Eventbrite).

Adah Parris is a storyteller, pattern matcher and self-styled cyborg shaman. Her skill is to link human potential with tech innovation in ways that capture far more of our collective power than simple decision making. Adah has worked with Ted Global, Tate Modern and the marketing industry to share her first hand experience of ‘othered’ communities of all kinds.

The YouTube interview with Adah embedded above gives a sense of her views and outlook, which you’ll be able to engage with when you sign up at Eventbrite (see ticket embed below). Check out her website, and follow her on Twitter (@adahparris).