Ma Earth wants culture and economics to move from “extractive to regenerative, transactional to relational, from commodifying Mother Earth to revering her”

We like the angle of Ma Earth’s inquiry, as revealed over this video series “The Regeneration Will Be Funded”. Which is how to direct capital (of all kinds) towards policies and actions that really get us to a renewable, regenerative world. Above is a highly illuminating interview with Bayo Akomolafe, the American-Indian-Yoruban intellectual who made such waves on his recent Scottish residency. More posted below:

An optimistic view that “late stage capitalism” should be “composted” - the better of its practises (eg encouraging green innovation) coming to the surface as new “nutrients”. The example given (at the end) is Dendra’s multi-million dollar contract to return mangrove swamps to Abu Dhabi.

Alexa Firmenich is part of what she calls a “family office” (which is a private investment firm guided by a high net-worth family or individuals). She has set up entities that are involved in “animist investment” (like Ground Effect [now Naia Trust], for example, with supporting media like Lifeworlds).

An interview with Maori Erin Matariki Carr, who is part of the movement that granted the Te Urewera forest in New Zealand “legal personhood” in 2014. She speaks through the legal agenda on regeneration, as part of the activist collective River.

More here.