Earth as choked by carbon emissions from the Global North - or pulsing with new potential, as Planet A? Both images are useful

The above is a NASA image brought to us (via X) by Danijel Višević, co-founder of the green venture capital fund WorldFund. In his thread he notes:

This NASA visualisation has it all: It shows the CO2 emitted into the earth's atmosphere + clarifies who is responsible for the climate crisis: we, the Global North.

As emitted CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere, we Europeans also for historical reasons must reduce our emissions as quickly as possible and develop climate technologies that are globally applicable. This is our mission at @WorldFund

The visualisation shows the 4 major contributors: fossil fuels in orange, burning biomass in red, land ecosystems in green, and the ocean in blue. The dots on the surface also show how atmospheric carbon dioxide is reabsorbed by land ecosystems (green) and the ocean (blue).

That animation attributes blame and responsibility for global warming. Here’s another animation that invokes a reborn Planet A, and a differently located agency for that… (thanks to Runway)

See our categories “Globalists”, “Planetarian”, “Planet A