Sent to sleep by General Election campaigning? Then enjoy this recent “phenomenal conversation” on Indra Adnan’s The Politics of Waking Up

In these pre-UK-general-election days, it seems timely to revisit our founder and co-initiator Indra Adnan’s work on The Politics of Waking Up (her synoptic book on Perspectiva Press from a few years ago).

Dave Pendle from the Phenomenal Conversations vidcast interviewed Indra recently (embedded above), and introduced the conversation this way on YouTube:

The purpose of Phenomenal Conversations are to stimulate, activate and inspire non-ordinary public exchanges - ones that free heart, mind and soul from the burdens and concerns of a world in crisis.

On this occasion I interviewed Indra about the Politics of Waking Up. Exploring an emergent, more conscious form of politics that embraces self, soul, soil, community and planet.

It’s also about how mycelial networks of concerned, pro planet, pro nature, pro social citizens, are constellating and experimenting to form new social, and psychic norms. Ones that are inclusive of place, self other and planet - and sometimes known as cosmolocal initiatives.

More from Dave here.